

Sunflower shoots are almost thirty percent protein. One serving has about 2% of your daily calcium needs and 8% of your daily iron needs. They’re also high in fiber and contain a wide range of other vitamins and minerals including Vitamin A, B Vitamins, C, D, and E. This makes them a great vegan option.


Broccoli microgreens have a fresh, mild cabbage flavor and up to 10x their fully grown counterparts of sulforphane, a known cancer fighting compound. High in vitamins K, C, A , and fiber, you can garnish any dish or add them to any salad raw.


Cilantro microgreens have that delicious cilantro flavor you love without the soapy taste some people find in mature cilantro, and fits well into the dishes of many cultures. It has as much vitamin K as spinach, and almost as much vitamin C as an orange, six times the vitamin E as a serving of sunflower seeds, and as much beta-carotene as carrots and sweet potatoes! 


Nasturtium is a bit spicy, a bit mustardy, and a bit peppery. It’s all healthy! Our Jewel Mix is one way to add a brilliant punch of color to your salads, but it isn’t all about looks. The vitamin C content in this beauty can help boost your immune system, and studies have shown that the leaves have antibacterial properties that are highest before the gorgeous flowers bloom.


Rocket – Also known as arugula. Along with having a peppery, buttery flavor, rocket has the same amount of calcium as spinach. It also has a lower amount of the oxalates spinach has that inhibit calcium absorption. If you want to blast off, add some to a sandwich or a slice of pizza!


Buckwheat! Its mild but tangy flavor is a great addition to any dish. Plus, It’s one of the few plants that contain all essential amino acids, making it a complete protein and a great addition to a vegan or vegetarian or keto or low carb diet! Its high levels of rutin the antioxidant build collagen and keep arterial walls flexible. Along with the lecithin also found in buckwheat, it can help lower cholesterol. 


Wildly Spicy Mix – One of our custom Rogue Roots Farms blends with red cabbage, triton radish, arugula, and Oriental mustard. The spicy mix isn’t just for grown-ups, kids will love it too. It packs a lot of flavor into a little bite making it a stellar replacement for lettuce on a burger or grilled portobello mushroom sandwich. Garnish your next flatbread or taco with it, the possibilities are endless. 



Mild Munchie Mix – A Rogue Roots Farms custom blend including broccoli, kale, arugula, and buckwheat. Packed with flavor and nutrition, this blend is your go-to multitasker! Toss them in a salad or throw a handful in with your next blended smoothie or juice. It’s a sneaky way to get a bunch of veggies into any meal!